WARNING:This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance.
Products displayed on ZOVOO website are for international market, not for U.S. market.
Due to regulations, available products for different regions may vary. Thanks for understanding.

Let's add some joy to your golden time at the end of the year.
We're giving out a whole set of iconic ZOVOO devices for the Dragbar fanatics.

Let's add some joy to your golden time
at the end of the year.
We're giving out a whole set of iconic ZOVOO devices
for the Dragbar fanatics.

How To Get The Dragbars For Free?

Easy-peasy Steps:

  • Choose

  • Choose
    your most

  • Write down
    your wishes
    for Zovoo

  • Leave

  • Click

  • We will Choose
    9 people from
    all participants,
    giving out a set of
    Dragbars for each

  • Merry Christmas

Thank you for participating in
Dragbar Xmas event!
We'll inform you via email
if you hit the jackpot.
Stay tuned for your surprise :)